A poster advertising the Hat-trick Sponsorship Initiative is now available to download below.

The 2013 Hat-trick Sponsorship Initiative is a unique fans’ fundraiser, the aim of which is for Bohemians supporters to collectively sponsor a Bohs match, matchball and player – the three goals!


While such sponsorship would be outside the means of many of us individually, collectively it can become a reality when we join together.

When you have goals, you also have an ‘assist’ – the HSI assist will be our designated charity Focus Ireland, who do fantastic work to break the cycle of homelessness. No matter what challenges Bohemian FC are facing, we cannot lose sight of those less fortunate than ourselves.

Focus Ireland will receive 10% of the funds raised, will get a free advert in the Bohemians matchday programme and will do a bucket collection at the HSI-sponsored match.

That match will be Bohs v Dundalk on April 19th and the matchball will also be sponsored by the HSI. The player jersey being sponsored by the HSI this season is Karl Moore’s away jersey.

There will be a major raffle for all fans who sign up to the HSI. One entry to this raffle will be given for each €10 contributed. The prizes will be the inducements offered by the club for match, matchball and player sponsorships, as follows:

  • Two-match hospitality packages for five people
  • One-match hospitality package for four people
  • Signed Bohs jersey
  • Signed Bohs football

The hospitality packages include tickets to the Bohs v Dundalk game, match programmes, seats in the Directors’ Box and half-time hospitality in the newly-refurbished Jackie Jameson Bar.

Don’t miss out! Be a Bohs Hat-trick Hero and sign up now here.

And help spread the word by printing out and distributing the poster below among supporters:

Website by Simon Alcock